PIC & Semen Cardona:
Start of construction work for another joint boar stud
Tras el éxito en la gestión de su primer centro de inseminación exclusivo (Tarazona), y la reciente ampliación del CIA Riufred, PIC se complace en anunciar la puesta en marcha de un nuevo centro en la localidad de Lladurs ampliando su colaboración estratégica con Semen Cardona.
The continuously increasing demand for genetically superior and high quality PIC semen together with the positive experiences with the joint exclusive AI Stud Tarazona and the recent expansion of Riofred stud make the start of construction a logical and consistent next step in the cooperation.
Este centro se situará en un entorno privilegiado del pre-Pirineo que favorece su bioseguridad, y además estará supervisado por el equipo técnico y de salud de PIC que asegura que todos los GTC (centros de transferencia genética) miembros de la cadena de suministro global de PIC cumplen con exigentes estándares de calidad y seguridad.
The new stud will be located in the pre-Pyrenees with low pig density and high biosecure environment. Like the previously mentioned studs, this gene transfer centre will also be integrated into PIC’s health monitoring system and monitored by the Health Assurance Team. In addition, PIC’s Technical Service Team ensures that global quality, health and biosecurity standards are implemented and maintained to the highest standards.
Dicho centro contará con una capacidad para 300 verracos PIC, que unidos al resto de centros exclusivos proporcionarán una capacidad productiva de más de 2 millones de dosis seminales estándar, pudiendo impactar en unos 8 millones de cerdos comerciales.
The new stud will accomodate 300 boars and thus increase the production capacity from the exclusive PIC & Semen Cardona studs to more than 2 million standard semen doses or influence the equivalent of around 8 million slaughter pigs.
Aprovechando este hito, los nombres de los CIA exclusivos PIC utilizarán una nueva terminología relacionada con el valor que aportan al sector, por lo que el CIA de Tarazona pasará a llamarse GTC Alpha (primera letra del alfabeto griego), y el nuevo proyecto pasará a ser conocido como GTC Allen (precioso en lengua celta).
Taking advantage of this milestone, the names of the PIC exclusive GTCs will use a new terminology related to the value they bring to the sector, so the CIA of Tarazona will be renamed GTC Alpha (first letter of the Greek alphabet),
and the new project will be operated un der the name GTC Allen (“precious” in Celtic language).
Gracias al incremento en la población de verracos que forman la cadena de suministro PIC para la península ibérica, los productores locales van a poder disfrutar de una mayor disponibilidad de verracos con mayores índices genéticos, especialmente las categorías Profit Plus y Profit Max, así como con un mayor plan de contingencia tanto para líneas maternales como terminales fruto de sus múltiples localizaciones geográficas.
With the expansion of the boar population within PIC’s supply chain for the Iberian Peninsula, local producers will experience further improved availability of genetically superior insemination boars, especially in the ProfitPlus and ProfitMax categories. Thanks to the different locations, the continuity of supply with semen doese will be also improved for the dam lines.
La finalización de este proyecto prevista en otoño de 2022 representa un gran paso dentro del plan de expansión de la red de GTC afiliados, una parte esencial dentro de la cadena de suministro global de PIC, y permite a la empresa avanzar hacia una posición de liderazgo en el mercado español, el mayor de Europa.
According to the plans, the project should be completed in autumn 2022 and thus represent another major step in the expansion of the affiliated GTC network, an essential part of PIC’s global supply chain, and allows the company to move towards a leading position in the Spanish market, the largest in Europe.
“We are proud to strengthen the business model that we started with Semen Cardona in Tarazona. At the time it represented a great challenge, but it has allowed us to develop an excellent teamwork, and the greatest satisfaction is to see the good reception that our commitment to a secure and reliable flow of high quality genetics via semen has had among our customers. This motivates us to continue making every effort to serve the market in the best possible way and we hope to continue to repay the trust that our customers are placing in our team.” – Wilson Pineda, Commecial Director PIC for Southern Europe
The Allen GTC is the third project with PIC and for Semen Cardona we are proud that a pioneering company in genetics continues to increase its business with us. For Semen Cardona this GTC has been strategically located in the pre-Pyrenees providing us with excellent biosecurity and close to our logistic hub that will allow us to make a nationwide distribution within 24h. – Jordi Coletas, General Manager of Semen Cardona
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